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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Latest News

Read below to find out more about some of the different activities we have been getting up to; from sporting and musical activities, to visitors and 'wow' days. We are looking forward to helping our children 'explore and grow' further in 2023-24.

  • Year 5/6 Basketball Tournament

    Sun 25 Nov 2018 M Davis

    All of year 5/6 went to represent the school in the Year 5/6 RCC Basketball competition on Thursday. It was fantastic that all of the children were able to take part in two teams.


    Mrs Ranson and Mrs Wingrove reported some excellent playing and sportsmanship, with the children working really well in both teams to score. A good score is not only down to those who shoot the baskets, but also down to those who get the ball to them and help with defending!


    One of our teams won their group, and so will be returning in a fortnight for the finals. Well done and good luck to all those involved!

  • Children In Need

    Fri 16 Nov 2018 M Davis

    On Friday 16th November, the children in school were all covered in spots! Fortunately, this was not an epidemic, but the children's way of celebrating and raising money for Children In Need.


    This year the Children's Council and Miss Barker are in charge of our fundraising. After a meeting full of ideas (some of which have been filed for future charity events!) the Children's Council decided that the children would dress in spots for the day, and spend the day baking and carrying out an inter-class Bakeoff, before selling cakes at the end of the day. Coppers were also collected and a beautiful Pudsey cake, donated by a parent, was raffled for Children in Need.


    As I type, totals are still being calculated. Everyone gave generously, and we know that funds raised will go to help children who are most in need. 


    A huge thank you to Miss Barker and the children's council for all of their hard work.


  • Remembrance

    Sun 11 Nov 2018 M Davis

    On Friday 9th November, Cobalt class went down to the Exton War Memorial to join with the local community in an Act of Remembrance, 100 years after the end of World War 1. The children have been writing poems in school linked to the theme of Remembrance and some of these were shared and left at the War Memorial, alongside a wreath from the school. Below are the three that were read at the War Memorial.


    In November, We Remember

    One bullet from a young Serbian’s gun
    Triggered the spark for World War One.

    How did one shot prove so lethal

    As to kill 17 million people?
    How could this war spill so much blood?


    It all began in August 1914

    As the trenches were dug in France
    And the war took its toll.

    On the ground, in the air and at sea.


    My ancestors fought during the war
    One of them was a famous pilot

    But that doesn’t mean I can’t remember

    Those other innocent souls who gave their lives
    For King and country.


    100 years hence we remember

    Remember, remember every November.




    In November, We Remember

    In November, we remember
    All of those who sacrificed their lives for us.

    In fields poppies grow,

    Between the crosses row on row,
    We remember the dead and alive,

    Here we lie.


    From falling hands

    We shall not sleep,

    In the deep,
    Let sunset glow,

    Short days ago.


    Inch by inch,
    Row on row,

    Never forget,

    Always remember,

    Every November.




    Thank you for everything

    Give thanks to everyone who saved,
    Making freedom not a dream, but a reality today,

    Help us to save the ones who save us,
    Filling our lives with kindness and love.

    Let the poppy grow as faith grows in us,

    As it is not only a symbol, but shows

    Everybody the world has lost,
    Give faith to those who have faith in us,

    The people who sacrifice their lives.

    The haunted minds shall never be forgotten,

    For they are the people who made freedom,

    As their lives were not just lost,
    They sacrificed mind, heart and soul.




    In a term when we are particularly focussing on Respect, it was lovely to receive emails and messages from some of those who attended who commended the children on their behaviour and the respect that they showed. 



  • FOEGS Taskforce

    Sat 03 Nov 2018 M Davis

    It was a small, but willing band who took part in the FOEGS Taskforce on Saturday morning! We all tried new skills, from trying to tidy the willow arch by pruning and weaving, to repainting a few walls in need of a touch-up in the school. Mr Chalkley, our Chair of Governors, re-weatherproofed the playhouse, whilst the rest of the Taskforce pruned, wove and tied up parts of the willow. We then moved inside to redecorate a couple of walls where water fountains had been moved - most of the paint made it to the walls!


    Thank you to those who gave up their time to ensure our school stays looking smart and tidy.

  • Class Dojo Rewards

    Sat 03 Nov 2018 M Davis

    This year the children are able to spend the Dojo points they collect in the Dojo shop. There are lots of things to chose from, and the children are learning how to 'save' for things they really want, as different rewards have different Dojo values. 


    From the lucky dip for 10 Dojos, to a Trust Pass for 150 Dojos, there is something for everyone! 


    Below is a picture of two children who opted to have afternoon tea with the headteacher. Lots of cake and cucumber sandwiches were eaten, and copious amounts of squash were drunk!

  • Balance Bikes

    Thu 01 Nov 2018 M Davis

    On Thursday our Reception children took part in their first balance bike training provided  by RCC. This is an opportunity for the children to learn some basic balance skills as a pre-cursor to learning to ride a 2 wheeled pedal-cycle. It was lovely to see how well the children concentrated and listened to their instructors, and there were lots of smiles and excited scooting up and down the school hall! 


    Next week we will endeavour to get some pictures!

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