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Welcome to

Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Children In Need

On Friday 16th November, the children in school were all covered in spots! Fortunately, this was not an epidemic, but the children's way of celebrating and raising money for Children In Need.


This year the Children's Council and Miss Barker are in charge of our fundraising. After a meeting full of ideas (some of which have been filed for future charity events!) the Children's Council decided that the children would dress in spots for the day, and spend the day baking and carrying out an inter-class Bakeoff, before selling cakes at the end of the day. Coppers were also collected and a beautiful Pudsey cake, donated by a parent, was raffled for Children in Need.


As I type, totals are still being calculated. Everyone gave generously, and we know that funds raised will go to help children who are most in need. 


A huge thank you to Miss Barker and the children's council for all of their hard work.


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