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Welcome to

Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Governance and Financial Information

The aim of the Governing Body at our school is to work with the staff in supporting school improvement in line with the school vision.


We do this in five main ways:

  • Monitoring the performance and progress of our children
  • supporting the staff to help them teach and care for our children
  • working with the school to decide how the resources of the school are best used
  • Planning ahead so that the performance of our children and our school continues to improve
  • Contributing to school life through visiting the school and helping with events


The governors are representative of all the key groups involved in our school: parents, staff, the community and the Church. We meet together at least once a term as a whole team and in sub-groups focussing on areas such as the curriculum and finance.


We are always keen to hear your views and hope that this page will help you to understand better the role of the Governors, who we are, and why we are serving as Governors.


The Governors meet five times a year as a full governing body. There is also a business committee which meets separately to focus on the financial management of the school, staffing and premises. 



Meet the Governors!


There are currently 7 Governors in total: 2 co-opted governors, 1 staff governor, 2 foundation governors and 2 parent governors. The Headteacher is an ex-officio member of the Governing Body. We currently have 2 parent governor vacancies.


Derek Cullen lives in Oakham and was appointed as a Foundation Governor in May 2021. He is an active member of Oakham Parish Church and has served as a governor at a number of schools. He was elected Chair of Governors in September 2023. He visits the school one day a week to support with reading and to lead a Codebreakers Lunchtime club.


Linda Edward is the retired owner of a Gift Business and has lived in Greetham for 40 years. She is a Co-opted Governor who was appointed to the Governing Body in September 2015. She is enthusiastic about Literacy and EYFS, in which she takes a particular interest, and has been Vice Chair for a number of years. Linda is part of the Resources committee.


James Phillips was a co-opted governor and is now a parent governor. He was Chair of Governors from September 2020 - July 2023. He lives in Cottesmore and is married to Victoria and has three sons, one of whom is in Year 1. He is an Army Officer and currently works at Prince William of Gloucester Barracks, Grantham. James joined the governing body in December 2016. 


Laura Larratt was appointed as  staff governor in December 2022. She has worked at the school for seven years, is the school SENDCo and teaches year 5 and 6.


Andrew McAuley lives in Cottesmore and is an IT manager for a national waste electronics recycling company. He has three children, two at the school in Year 6 and Year 4, as well as a 17-year-old. He sits on the Governors as a Parent Governor.


Sue Healey was appointed to the governors as a co-opted governor in October 2019 and lives in Exton. She is a teacher and housemistress at Oakham School. Her four grown-up children all attended Exton & Greetham CE Primary School and she previously served on the governing body as a Parent Governor.


Geraldine Feehally lives in Oakham and was appointed as a Foundation Governor in July 2021. She is an active member of Oakham Parish Church and is currently High Sheriff of Rutland. She was a teacher before retirement and enjoys supporting the work of the school, visiting weekly to support with literacy. 


Terms of Office




Date of Appointment

End Date

Megan Davis




Sue Healey

Co-opted Governor



Linda Edward

Co-opted Governor (Vice Chair)



Derek Cullen

Foundation Governor



Geraldine Feehally

Foundation Governor



Andrew McAuley

Parent Governor



James Phillips

Parent Governor (Chair)



Laura Larratt


Staff Governor





Danielle Gould

Staff governor


stepped down 21/10/22

Alan ChalkleyCo-opted Governor01/09/19stepped down 20/07/22



Exton & Greetham Governor's Business and Pecuniary Interest Declarations


Name of GovernorName of interest/ Nature of interest/ Date interest began
James PhillipsNone
Andrew McAuleyNone
Linda EdwardNone
Megan DavisHeadteacher - April 2013
Geraldine FeehallyNone
Derek CullenNone
Laura LarrattClass Teacher (staff governor)

Sue Healey

Husband on Parish Council

Rutland Learning Trust - Trustees


Information about the Trustees at Rutland Learning Trust


Financial Information


For more legal and financial trust information, including Governor and Trustee business information, please follow the link below.


No school employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.


Link to our school's benchmarking information:




Contact Details and Useful Links
