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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Latest News

Read below to find out more about some of the different activities we have been getting up to; from sporting and musical activities, to visitors and 'wow' days. We are looking forward to helping our children 'explore and grow' further in 2023-24.

  • Tinsel Day

    Thu 18 Dec 2014 M Davis
    Many thanks to all those who wore Tinsel on Thursday 18th December and bought in a pound in support of Thorpe Hall Hospice. Miss Mewes, our lunchtime assistant, had asked if we could support the fundraising of two former pupils who were raising money for the Hospice in memory of their mother who sadly died in October. We raised £36 towards their collection.
  • Singing at Oak House

    Wed 17 Dec 2014 M Davis

    KS1 ventured out on the last Wednesday of term to Oak House Residential Home in Greetham to share with the residents some of our Christmas celebrations.


    The children happily dressed up in their nativity finery, and sang and acted their way through the songs from their nativity. It was lovely to be able to take some of our Christmas festivities out into the community.


    All their efforts were rewarded with drinks, biscuits and mince pies! Many thanks to the staff of Oak House for inviting us, and for making us all feel so welcome.

  • Christmas Plays

    Wed 17 Dec 2014 M Davis

    Yet again, our two Christmas plays were well received by packed audiences. We even had people at the dress rehearsal in order to try and let as many people see our plays as possible!


    Class 1, through 'The Donkey Seller', told the traditional nativity story from the point of view of the donkeys of the time. Every child, from the youngest reception child to the oldest year 2, had lines to say. The singing was hearty and clear, and the acting was superb. I don't think anyone will forget the donkeys 'No, no, no!' when a game of pin the tail on the donkey was suggested!


    Key Stage 2 then produced their annual pantomime, this year following the story of Dickens 'A Christmas Carol', penned by Mr Marks and Mrs Davis. Again, every child had lines to learn and say, and these were delivered clearly and articulately with lots of expression. We have many a budding actor in Key Stage 2 at the moment! A special mention should go to our ex-Headteacher, Mrs Whitehead, for making a brief cameo appearance as the ghost of Christmas past, before being removed by the real ghost of Christmas past! The singing was magnificent. It is hard to believe the quality of the sound and diction that the children give, despite there being less than 20 of them. This year there were many keen soloists; and 5 children had a turn in the limelight. Mrs Davis will soon be out of a singing job!


    After seeing such fantastic performances from all taking part, the Headteacher's second highlight was the many comments afterwards congratulating the children and staff on such outstanding performances. We spend a lot of time in school talking about 'adding value' to the children's education. It is opportunities like this, where every child gets a moment to shine, that really add value to the learning experiences of our children.

  • Samba Workshops

    Tue 02 Dec 2014 M Davis

    It was very noisy in school today, as we all had a go at Samba Drumming!


    The first people to have a go were our Reception children, who all threw themselves into finding rhythms and playing the instruments. We have found some budding drummers!


    After break, KS1 were able to try some samba rhythms. They learnt about how to play the different samba instruments and also experimented with rhythms.


    In the afternoon KS2 worked together to make a complete samba piece to perform to the rest of the school. We learnt 3 different samba rhythms that could be played together on the agogo bells, the tambourim, and the surdo drums. We learnt how to do the different parts of a samba piece, including how to start and how to do a break.


    Not only were we able to work on our musical skills, but our concentration skills were put to the test too. It is not easy to play one rhythm and keep it going when people around you are playing something different! We also had to listen to different signals from the leader as well.


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