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Welcome to

Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

We are officially part of the Rutland Learning Trust!

We are delighted that from Thursday 1st March 2018 we officially became part of the Rutland Learning Trust. Being part of the Rutland Learning Trust means that we are able to work alongside other schools to develop fantastic teaching and learning for the children, whilst retaining those things that we love about our own school and that make it unique.


For the children and parents being part of RLT will make very little difference to what you see at school currently from day to day. We have already been working alongside RLT since November 2016, with the trust providing support and professional development for all staff and helping us to develop our curriculum offer for the children and improve our teaching and learning.


For the staff, we are now employed by RLT, and for the leadership team and governors this now means that we receive our support, advice and guidance from RLT rather than from Rutland County Council. We also have more autonomy over our budget as it comes directly to the school rather than to the local authority.


We are very excited about the changes that have already taken place at school and about plans into the future. Working alongside other local schools as part of RLT is already allowing us to offer our children more opportunities and experiences that would be more limited were we to remain a local authority school. Over the past year we have taken part in joint events for the children including: athletics at Corby Stadium, the Music Festival in the Summer, shared trips and sporting events, sharing in School residential visits, shared swimming and year group development days to name just a few. There are more opportunities planned for the remainder of this academic year. As staff we have been able to work alongside other colleagues to share good practice and take part in shared training opportunities.


We are looking forward to all the exciting things planned for the school and the whole Trust into the future. 

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