Aqua Class (EYFS and Year 1)
Welcome to Aqua Class!
Our class teacher is Mrs Gould who is supported by Mrs Davis (teaching RE and Music) and Mrs Wingrove who is our class TA.
We are a mixed age group class with both Reception and Year 1 children. We have a play based curriculum that encourages independence alongside cooperative learning. We have well resourced indoor and outdoor classroom provision that children are encouraged to take ownership and therefore responsibility for.
Term 1
Welcome to the new school year!
The first term involves getting to know each other and learning developing our PSHE skills around sharing, making friends and becoming happy and secure in our classroom environment. There will be lots of opportunity to build friendships through collaborative play and taking on roles within the classroom.
Our rainbow challenges will help develop independent learners and give all children the chance to consolidate the ideas and skills we will have covered as a group.
Our main learning for term 1 is our science looking at the human body. We will investigate our senses and discover what our brilliant bodies are capable of.
PE is on Wednesday and Friday but please ensure PE kits are in school all week.
Mrs Gould