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Welcome to

Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Teal Class (Years 2, 3 and 4)

Teal Class Brochure

Welcome to Teal class!


In our class there are 30 amazing children! Miss Barker is our class teacher and we are supported by a number of fantastic helpers.


We are taught French by Mrs Honorez and PE by Mrs Ranson once a week. We love learning and having lots of fun! PE Days are on aTuesday and Thursday!


This year we have lots of amazing topics to cover, the first being all about Dinosaurs and how we know they existed! I am looking forward to see you all grow and learn within our classroom.




All year 3 and 4 children have a log in to TTRockstars so please practice these at home. Some children also have logins to Nessy. Your children will have these login details in their reading records. Please continue to listen to your children read as often as possible.


Any questions feel free to come in and see me or send me a message on Dojo.




Contact Details and Useful Links
