Affiliations and Awards
Exton & Greetham CE Primary School works hard in all areas of the curriculum. First and foremost, our priority is giving the children an exciting and invigorating educational experience. Affiliations and Awards from different organisations reflect some, but by no means all, of the things that we do to enhance our curriculum provision. We have made a conscious decision to focus our finances on enhancing curriculum opportunities rather than funding awards.
Artsmark School
We embarked on our Artsmark journey in February 2023, and are looking forward to using this vehicle to build our arts offer for the children in both creative and performing arts.
Singup Platinum Award
We were the first, and currently the only Rutland school, to be awarded the coveted Singup Platinum Award for our work on Singing in the school.
We are very proud of the lovely sound we make when singing. Every child in the school sings, and we enjoy sharing music together.
School Games Mark
We are very pleased to have been awarded a Gold School Games Mark for 2022-23. We are very proud of our achievements, building on the bronze mark that we had achieved in 2014/15 and the silver mark we have received in the intervening years.
We are proud of all we achieve musically, and through our work with Rutland Music Hub we are a school member of Musicmark.
Woodland Trust Gold Award
We were awarded our Woodland Trust Gold Award in May 2018. This recognises the work that the children and staff have carried out in environmental projects and developing outdoor learning.