Navy Class (Year 5 and Year 6 2022-23)
Welcome back everyone!
Navy class is a small and mighty group! As always, please feel free to contact me over Dojo if you have any questions but the main information is:
PE kits - in school every day please, PE is timetabled as Thursday and Friday but often change due to timetabling.
Homework - the children will receive small, daily homework challenges in preparation for secondary school - they have homework diaries which we will be filling in together at school each day.
Letters/home communication - the children each have a "pack" to take home and bring back to school each day which will contain any letters and also has their "smiley diaries" of positives from the day.
Below is the knowledge organiser and termly learning overview, which has also been sent home in paper copy
Mrs L
knowledge organiser and term map