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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Latest News

Read below to find out more about some of the different activities we have been getting up to; from sporting and musical activities, to visitors and 'wow' days. We are looking forward to helping our children 'explore and grow' further in 2023-24.

  • Year 6 Leavers' Assembly

    Thu 18 Jul 2024 M Davis

    Our Year 6 Leavers' Assembly is always a time of mixed emotions. Whilst we are sad to see the children leave, we know that they are all ready for their next adventure in education as they move on to secondary school. 


    As always, our Leavers' Assembly allows the children to share their favourite songs from Collective Worship. This year included favourites from Easter (Easter Jubilation, Lord of the Dance) and Christmas (Sheep, Sheep, Sheep), as well as Give me oil in my lamp 'Exton-style', and a Gospel medley. They certainly raised the roof with their fantastic singing!


    Interspersed with the songs were opportunities for the year 6 to share their memories (this year in the style of the game 'Guess Who?'); receive their Bibles from the churches; hear the teacher's memories; and say their goodbyes. 


    Thank you to all who joined us in a very warm hall for the afternoon. It was an amazing send-off, and we look forward to hearing what these amazing children go on to achieve over the next few years.

  • Art Day 2024

    Mon 15 Jul 2024 M Davis

    The final week of term started with a day of art - based on the National Gallery 'Take One Picture' activities. 


    This year the picture was 'The Courtyard of a House in Delft' by Pieter de Hooch, painted in 1658. 


    The morning was spent exploring ideas around art and looking closely at different artwork to explore techniques and picture composition. In the afternoon, each class then worked to create their own artwork inspired by the Pieter de Hooch picture. 


    Aqua class focussed on brickwork and recreating the objects within the picture, Cobalt class looked at costume and the clothing worn at the time, and Teal class focussed on the archway and what could be seen through an arch. The resulting artwork will be put up over the summer and displayed in the Exton Art Gallery. Do come and have a look in the hall in September!

  • Aqua Class Belton House Trip

    Fri 12 Jul 2024 M Davis

    Aqua class had a super time visiting Belton House alongside children from St Nicholas on Friday as part of our RLT trust linked days.


    The children enjoyed the opportunity to explore the grounds of the house, and look at the brickwork and exterior of the building. As one of the children said 'why would you need so many bedrooms?'!


    After a picnic lunch, the children then had the opportunity to explore the adventure playground and try out their climbing skills. There were lots of children trying new activities, as well as making new friends from the other school. 


    A good time was had by all!

  • French Day 2024

    Thu 11 Jul 2024 M Davis

    Mrs Honorez led a lovely French morning for us on Thursday, with an opportunity to explore French food and culture leading up to the Paris Olympics in a few weeks time. Working in mixed age groups, the children visited each classroom to take part in different activities, as well as taking part in different sports outside.


    Thank you Mrs Honorez for organising our day!

  • Sports Day 2024

    Wed 10 Jul 2024 M Davis

    Sports day 2024 was another triumph!


    As always we started the morning split into mixed aged groups of around 10 children, taking part in a 'round robin' of activities including: beanbag throw, obstacle course, skipping, football skills, hockey slalom and traffic light running. The children all tried their best and many points were scored. 


    Whilst Mrs Almond added up the scores, we then had time for the more traditional running races. Everyone ran as fast as they could, and there were only a few false starts! The year group races were followed by a toddler race for younger siblings and the nursery, and by a parents 'dressing up' race - a replacement this year for the traditional 'beanbags on heads'!


    After a short award ceremony, with the winning team raising the winners cup, there were ice pops, kindly provided by the parents association.


    Thank you to all the children for giving it their all; to the staff for making sure everything ran smoothly, and to all the parents, carers and other supporters who came to watch.

  • RE Day - What is spirituality?

    Tue 09 Jul 2024 M Davis

    All the children spent today exploring the theme of 'Spirituality and Wellbeing' through a number of activities linked to our RE learning.


    We started the day in our classrooms, talking about our school vision and Bible quote 'With God, all things are possible' and what this might mean for our school. We then moved to the hall for Collective Worship and a discussion about spirituality. 


    We talked about spirituality in terms of thinking about ourselves, others, the world and beyond; focussing on the difference between spirituality and faith. We agreed that you don't have to have a faith to be spiritual and appreciate, care for and celebrate the world around us. 


    We then split into mixed age groups to take part in a carousel of activities, including: making clay faces on the trees in nature, exploring how many wonderful things we can fit in a small box, exploring nature's colour palette, exploring mindfulness, creating a bank of acts of kindness, and exploring the 'wows, ows and nows' of our lives so far. 


    After lunch we returned to our class groups to explore spirituality through art, through the idea of 'looking beyond'. The children created some super artwork, which will go up along the KS1 corridor over the summer holidays. Do come and have a look once it is up!

  • Y6 Transitions Teen Health Workshop

    Mon 08 Jul 2024 M Davis

    Today we welcomed the Teen Health team to the school to meet our Year 6 children as they prepare for their transition to their new secondary schools. 


    The team spent time with the children exploring worries and concerns around moving to secondary school, and provided activities for the children to help get themselves organised and ready for the next step in their education.


    The team work in all the local secondary schools, and so will be familiar faces for some of those moving on next year. 


    Thank you for your time and your excellent activities! See you next year!

  • DNA Workshop

    Tue 02 Jul 2024 M Davis

    Cobalt class welcomed Bryony, one of our parents, to their classroom today as part of their science learning. Bryony talked to the children about DNA, how it is formed and how it is used. There was lots of scientific discussion, as well as the opportunity to build and explore DNA structures.


    Thank you Bryony for a superb workshop!

  • Fort Henry Walk

    Fri 28 Jun 2024 M Davis

    The weather was kind to us again for our annual Fort Henry Walk - not too hot, and not too cold, just how we like it!


    We set off from school just after 11am with Mrs Larratt at the front and Mrs Davis bringing up the rear, accompanied by parents and friends of the school. We made good time to Fort Henry, arriving at the same time as our packed lunches!


    After lunch, and a play in the field, we had our annual picture in front of Fort Henry, before returning back along the grassy track a little more slowly. 


    A huge thank you to all the parents and carers who came and joined us, and to all the children for being excellent company. We are so lucky to have our school so close to the countryside and to be able to get out and enjoy our beautiful surroundings. We are already looking forward to next year!

  • Bikeability

    Tue 25 Jun 2024 M Davis

    Our year 6 children have all had the opportunity to take part in level 1and 2 Bikeability, run by Rutland County Council. As they become more independent in the run-up to secondary school, it is really important that they know how to keep themselves safe on our country roads when cycling.


    Yet again we were complimented on how polite and well-behaved our children are - and that they were a credit to the school. 


    Thank you to all the Bikeability coaches who have supported their development as young cyclists.

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