Latest News
Read below to find out more about some of the different activities we have been getting up to; from sporting and musical activities, to visitors and 'wow' days. We are looking forward to helping our children 'explore and grow' further in 2024-25.
Carols Round the Tree
Fri 06 Dec 2024A huge thank you to David Healey for again providing a tree for the village at the bottom of Garden Road in Exton. It was a pleasure to once again lead the local community in a few carols at the turning on of the lights. Around thirty people joined us to to sing 'Hark the Herald' and 'Away in a Manger' amongst others traditional carols, before everyone was sent on their way with a round of 'We wish you a Merry Christmas'.
Thank you to all those who have made donations to the school as part of the village tree and the Carol singing.
Parents Association Christmas Fayre
Fri 06 Dec 2024Friday 6th December saw another successful school Christmas Fayre, run by the Parents Association.
Stalls were set up down in the Exton Village Hall which, being a little larger than the school hall, enabled visitors to come and join and sell their wares. Alongside the tombola, cake stall, and various Christmas games, there was also a raffle and opportunities to buy handcrafted items by local people.
Midway through the afternoon Santa dropped in to join us in his grotto to talk to the children and give them a little gift.
A huge thank you to the Parents Association for another successful event, raising just over £716 to support the school.
Aqua Class Rutland Museum Visit
Wed 04 Dec 2024On Wednesday, Aqua Class went to Rutland Museum and enjoyed a festive trip back in time to discover where our Christmas Traditions have come from. This linked not only to their current history topic looking at a Victorian Christmas, but also to their next history topic looking at toys through time.
During the visit they made some Victorian Christmas cards, a hanging pomander, a pop up Santa toy and they also enjoyed a Christmas bauble hunt around the museum.
They all had a great time learning about Christmas in the past.
A Flourishing Church School
Wed 04 Dec 2024A few weeks ago we were visited by an inspector from SIAMS for our Statutory Inspection of Church Schools. We were last visited in 2016, so we were looking forward to showing the inspector how we uphold our school Christian vision and how this drives the work of the school.
The SIAMS inspector noted the following strengths within his report:
"There is a shared commitment to live out the school's Christian vision amongst staff and pupils. This motivates learners to be aspirational and deep-thinking individuals."
"The curriculum, driven by the vision, is effectively built on enquiry-based learning. As pupils explore and grow, they demonstrate a love of learning that enables them to flourish."
"Underpinned by the school vision and values, respect and kindness permeate throughout the school. As a result, members of the community live well together and grow in self-confidence."
"A culture of responsibility and care is promoted by the Christian vision and values. Pupils demonstrate love and respect for members of their local community."
"Collective worship sparks personal reflection for pupils that influences their daily learning. It is carefully planned to be inclusive and inspirational. This enables them to grow spiritually."
"An unswerving approach to equity demonstrates a commitment to individuals."
"A carefully sequenced RE Curriculum ensures that pupils develop a clear knowledge of key Christian beliefs. It also broadens their understanding of other religions and worldviews."
The report can be read in its entirety on the Collective Worship, RE and SIAMS page.
Fri 29 Nov 2024On Friday night it was 'eyes down' in the school hall for the Parents Association Christmas Bingo.
The school hall was packed with enthusiastic Bingo players and there were many fantastic prizes to be won.
A huge thank you to Gary, our caller, and to the Parents Association for organising the event and the prizes. We raised an amazing £900!
Tue 12 Nov 2024On Remembrance Day, Cobalt Class walked down to the Exton Village War Memorial to take part in the village Act of Remembrance.
The children stood respectfully whilst the names of the fallen were shared and during the two minute silence, before sharing some of the writing they had done around the idea of Remembrance. A posy was laid by Lola on behalf of the school.
Back in school, the younger children carried out their own Act of Remembrance in the school hall. Staff were very impressed that they stood quietly and respectfully for two minutes as well.
Harvest Festival
Fri 11 Oct 2024Voices rang out loud and clear in the school hall as we celebrated our Harvest Festival with Harvest songs of thanksgiving.
This year our theme was giving thanks. Each class provided a short presentation, and Harvest songs, both traditional and modern, were sung.
Aqua Class showcased their learning in PSHE, RE and music by sharing the story of the Little Red Hen, who worked hard to grow wheat to make bread. Her lazy friends soon discover that hard work has its rewards when they discover she won't share her bread with them as they didn't share in the hard work it took to make it!
Teal Class entertained us with another pop song with Harvest words. This year the music came from Queen - 'I want to grow beans' will ring in our ears whenever we hear 'I want to break free' on the radio!
Cobalt Class shared with us words that could be made from the letters of the word HARVEST and what these mean to us at this time of year.
The Faith Council then talked about the important work of the Rutland Foodbank and thanked all of those who had made donations for this local charity.
Having sung 'Autumn Days', 'Amani Utupe', 'Harvest Samba', 'Bringing in the Sheaves' and 'Gather up the People, for we are His Harvest', we finished with a rousing rendition of 'Thank your lucky stars'.
RLT Cross Country
Fri 04 Oct 2024On Friday, Mrs Davis and Mrs Ranson accompanied 13 children from across KS2 who volunteered to take part in the RLT Cross Country competition. These are always hard-fought races, and it was lovely to have so many children willing to give it a go.
After a little warm up with Mrs Ranson, and some sage advice about not starting too fast, the races took place on the Catmose College playing fields. Each year group ran chasing a 'hare' to try and help them pace themselves. We were very proud of all the children for digging in and keeping going, even when the going got tough. All of the children completed their race! With placings ranging from 6th to 36th in their respective year group races, we were very proud of all of the children. Not bad going when running against all the other Rutland RLT schools!
Open Morning
Tue 01 Oct 2024On Tuesday we opened up the school to prospective parents looking for school places for EYFS in September 2025. It was lovely to be able to show parents round for a 'normal' school day, so that they could see what our school is like in action.
If you were unable to attend, and would like to arrange a personal visit - please contact the office on 01572 812380 to arrange a show round.
RLT Year 5/6 Football Tournament
Fri 27 Sep 2024Friday saw the start of the RLT Football Tournaments for 2024-25.
We have a keen group of year 5/6 footballers this year, who went with Mrs Ranson for the first set of matches.
Whilst we didn't win, we hadsome great attempts at the goal.
We lost two matches 1-0 and drew 0-0 in our other two matches. Mrs Ranson reported that we really held our own and we spent more time in our attacking half in this one afternoon than in any other afternoon of football since we joined the league! We have excellent defenders and also demonstrated how the team can pass the ball, dribble around defenders, run and shoot! Hopefully some goals will come next time1 Well done to all involved!