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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Mathematical Circus!

On Monday 3 of our year 5 children joined other children from across the Rutland Learning Trust at Cottesmore Academy for a Mathematical Circus, organised by one of the Teaching Assistants at Whissendine School, Mr Asplin. Mr Asplin loves maths, and enjoys sharing the amazing things he has found out with children.


This event allowed the children to explore all sorts of maths, including fractals. It ended with the great exploration of pie in a circle..... This was investigated using.... you've guessed it... pies! Using the playground and A LOT of individual pies, the children were able to prove the link between the circumference and the radius and diameter of a circle - what a fantastic idea!


Thank you to Cottesmore School for hosting, and to Mr Asplin for his amazing maths ideas!

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