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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Sports Day 2024

Sports day 2024 was another triumph!


As always we started the morning split into mixed aged groups of around 10 children, taking part in a 'round robin' of activities including: beanbag throw, obstacle course, skipping, football skills, hockey slalom and traffic light running. The children all tried their best and many points were scored. 


Whilst Mrs Almond added up the scores, we then had time for the more traditional running races. Everyone ran as fast as they could, and there were only a few false starts! The year group races were followed by a toddler race for younger siblings and the nursery, and by a parents 'dressing up' race - a replacement this year for the traditional 'beanbags on heads'!


After a short award ceremony, with the winning team raising the winners cup, there were ice pops, kindly provided by the parents association.


Thank you to all the children for giving it their all; to the staff for making sure everything ran smoothly, and to all the parents, carers and other supporters who came to watch.

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