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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Yr 5/6 Enterprise Day

Six of our able mathematicians for year 5/6 were invited to join with children from other local primary schools at CBEC for an Enterprise day on 20th September 2012. 

They spent the day working on a project to design and sell a mug in aid of a charity. This involved not only choosing a charity and creating a design on the computer, but also working out the profit margins and percentages, taking into account the costs of production and the donations to the charity. They also looked at how profits and percentages would be affected by giving a discount for bulk buying 100 or 1000 units. 

All the children excelled themselves, with some happy to take lead roles in groups of children from other local schools. There was much interest and discussion about the profit margins and how they changed. Let's hope these future aspiring Alan Sugar's remember their little primary school when they earn their first million!


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