World Peace Day - One day, one choir - sing for peace.
Friday 21st September was World Peace Day and across the world many schools, choirs, groups and organisations were joining together to sing a song for peace. It didn't matter what song was chosen, as long as it helped us to think about peace.
We had signed up to the 'One day, one choir' website and undertook to sing a song of peace. Our celebration assembly therefore ended with a rendition of 'I've got peace like a river' - a song we had been learning in our Songs of Praise assemblies. As always, the children sang beautifully, with a rousing crescendo through the three verses: 'I've got peace like a river' sung quietly; 'I've got love like the ocean' a little louder; and 'Ive got joy like a mountain' sung joyfully!
We are very lucky to live in such as safe and peaceful place as Rutland, and it is good for us to remember and think about those who are not as fortunate as us, and perhaps do not have such peace in their lives.
Well done to all the children for fantastic singing.