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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

World Book Day

World Book Day was celebrated one day early at Exton & Greetham School in order to ensure that we got a full day of reading and writing activities.


The day started with an opportunity for the whole school to share their costumes and favourite books, with staff reading their own favourite stories to the children. Mrs Fowler read 'Little Rabbit Foo-Foo' which is a favourite of the whole school, Mrs Wingrove read 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson, Mrs Davis read 'Marvin who wanted more', and Mr Marks read us a story about a bear who had lost his hat. We were a little suspicious that the rabbit in Mr Marks' story came to a sticky end!


We then worked together as a whole school on writing alliterative phrases and sentences, eventually turning these into tongue twisters, based on Peter Piper.


The afternoon was spent writing more poetry. While KS1 finished off their tongue twisters, KS2 were able to create a poem of their choice. We ended up with a selection of Haiku, Tanka, Kennings, Shape Poems, Rhyming poetry and Free verse. These were then bound together to make a commemorative book of poetry for the day.


We finished the day by performing our poems in the hall.


A huge thank you to Mrs Fowler for organising our day of Book and Poetry Wonder!

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