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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Whole School Improving Writing Morning

On 27th November years 1-6 worked together in the hall to develop their writing using the 'Grammar Rainbow' created by Jane Considine. Mrs Fowler recently went on a course led by Jane Considine and was keen to share with staff and children what she had learnt. What better way to do that, than for us all to learn together!


After watching a short video story of Goldilocks to make sure we all knew the same story, we set about writing the story together. First we mapped the story through as a large group. Then we split into smaller mixed age groups and each had to write a small part of the story.


While the story we wrote was okay, it was not very exciting! We then looked at how to use the Grammar Rainbow and FANTASTIC to help us add detail and make our writing more exciting.


You can see both our first and final attempts on the powerpoint in the gallery.


It was a great morning, and it was lovely to learn alongside the children. We are all excited to start using the techniques we learnt back in our classrooms. Look out for some budding authors!

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