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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

We're 'feeling good'!

We're delighted that Exton and Greetham CE Primary School has maintained its "good" ranking and garnered many positive comments following its latest visit from the education watchdog. Inspectors found "The school prepares pupils well as they move through the Early Years, Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2". Inspectors particularly commended "the warm and welcoming atmosphere that values all pupils. Attractive displays, an emphasis on the arts and good use of resources all add to the good teaching observed." 

Because the school is small, the children, aged from 4 to 11, learn to mix socially and academically with students outside of their own year group. Indeed the report comments on the youngest children making "good progress in their personal, social and emotional development and learn well from being in a class with pupils from year 1 and 2" and praised the "deeply caring environment and thorough understanding that all adults have of individual children's needs." 

We are proud of all the achievements and the work that the children do within the school community and beyond. The report notes, "The school seeks to work with the wider community and is involved in raising funds for the local church and different charities. The school is proud of being the only recipient in Rutland of a national singing award." 

We are delighted that Ofsted recognised the many wonderful things that happen at our school. We are a small village school who pride ourselves on our family ethos. The school has been recognised as a good school with well-behaved, hardworking children and supportive staff and governors. As a small school national test results can be affected by individual children, and it is great that the inspectors recognised how we work with every individual to ensure that the all reach their personal potential.

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