We are the champions!
We are very proud to announce that we have won the RSSP Osprey League Year 5/6 Boys Football tournament! The team were a credit to the school, playing fiercely, but fairly - showing great sportsmanship to each other and to their opposing teams. There were some stunning goals and great tackling, alongside some great teamwork and passing of the ball. We have always taken pride in the children's sportsmanship and sense of fair play - and it was lovely to see them helping opposing team members up when they slipped in the rain, and congratulating opposing teams when they scored, or when they managed to save an attempt at a goal from our team. Their hard work was rewarded with 6 wins out of 6 matches and well deserved trophy. Even more excitingly, this is our first trophy in a sports competition since I have worked at the school (so in at least 13 years)! We have come close a few times, and it shows that practice and hard work pay off! Well done to all involved, to Miss Bevins and Mrs Ranson for supporting the team, and to parents for providing a taxi service to the matches and great support on the sidelines.