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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Trip to 'Peter Pan' in Nottingham

On Thursday we all got on a double decker bus and set off on our annual whole school trip to the pantomime in Nottingham.


This year the pantomime was to be Peter Pan, and we were all looking forward to comparing the professionals performance to our own pantomime performance in December! We were not to be disappointed! The different characters were fantastic, and the children were soon booing Captain Hook, cheering for Peter Pan and shouting 'Wotcha Smee' to the character played by Joe Pasquali. As always, the songs and dances were magical, and the special effects were out of this world! The children enjoyed watching Tinkerbell, Wendy and Peter fly, and there were also fireworks and special lights flashing.


At the end of the first half there was an amazing animatronic crocodile, which the younger children thought was fantastic! We then settled down to eat our ice creams before grabbing our 3D glasses for the second half. 


As always, the 3D effects soon had people shouting and screaming in amazement (though some of us did take off our glasses when we were a bit scared). Soon everything was okay, and Captain Hook was defeated. 


We were very lucky as three of the school were invited to go up onto the stage and meet Smee and play some musical instruments. George enjoyed demonstrating his expertise on a bass drum that was nearly as big as him, Matthew triumphed on the trombone and Charley made a great noise on a trumpet.


All too soon it was the end and time to get back on the coach. The trip back was much quieter, with many sleepy children tired out from so much excitement.


The children were asked in assembly on Friday whether they had enjoyed themselves and whether they wanted to go again next year.... the resounding answer was 'yes'! What a successful trip!

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