The Quicksticks hockey Tournament is now taking place on Wednesday 20th February.
Cross Country competition has been rearranged for Saturday 23rd February.
Our year 5/6 are practising for their Netball Competition on 21st March, and, even in the snow, some of our KS2 children have been out practising for the county Cross Country competition at the beginning of February. Many thanks to Mr and Mrs Richardson for supporting Mrs Whitehead in training up our distance runners.
In PE lessons KS2 are working with Sarah Bell, a local dance teacher, to create their own 'Space' themed dance for the annual Spotlight Dance Showcase in Uppingham. So far they have been looking at different dance moves to represent getting astronauts into space, and have even been practising their moonwalking!
We are also lucky enough to have a visiting sports coach on a Thursday morning, who is developing the children's skills and sporting stamina.
Make sure your PE kit is in school all week so that you don't miss out!