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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

SIAMS Inspection

A few weeks ago we had a visit from a SIAMS inspector. This was to carry out our Statutory Inspection as a church school. This inspection focuses on three main areas: how the school, through its distinctive Christian Character is good at meeting the needs of all learners; the impact of collective worship on the school community; and the effectiveness of leadership and management.


I am very pleased to announce that our report has been published and we have again been rated as ‘good’ in all areas.


The school has been particularly praised for its 'family feel' which 'thrives on its Christian approach to learning' where 'everyone in the community feels nurtured and treasured.' We  are always proud of our children and their self-awareness of themselves both in and out of the school community. Indeed the report states: 'Pupils positively enjoy their learning and value their friendships and teachers within this accepting Christian community where every child matters to God and the school community. As a result, they become confident, honest and non-judgemental individuals.'


We will be working over the next few years on our action points which include developing the children's opportunities by developing our 'programme of visits and visitors to enable pupils to meet people of faiths other than Christianity more frequently to enhance their learning and support their spiritual and cultural development.' Watch this space!


Thank you to all those who took the time to talk to the inspector about what makes our school special. During the day the inspector spoke to staff, governors, members of the local churches, children and parents.


The sentence from the report that shines for me is that 'Parents embrace the inclusivity of this small rural school and welcome the fact that 'all walks of life have such a good grounding here.''


The full report can be found on our 'Useful Documents' page.

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