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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Samba Workshops

It was very noisy in school today, as we all had a go at Samba Drumming!


The first people to have a go were our Reception children, who all threw themselves into finding rhythms and playing the instruments. We have found some budding drummers!


After break, KS1 were able to try some samba rhythms. They learnt about how to play the different samba instruments and also experimented with rhythms.


In the afternoon KS2 worked together to make a complete samba piece to perform to the rest of the school. We learnt 3 different samba rhythms that could be played together on the agogo bells, the tambourim, and the surdo drums. We learnt how to do the different parts of a samba piece, including how to start and how to do a break.


Not only were we able to work on our musical skills, but our concentration skills were put to the test too. It is not easy to play one rhythm and keep it going when people around you are playing something different! We also had to listen to different signals from the leader as well.


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