Samba Drumming Workshops
On Monday 12th June we were very pleased to welcome the Rutland Music Hub to lead the whole school in some Samba drumming workshops. Year 4/5/6 had spent time exploring samba as part of their class music and were looking forward to putting some of their knowledge into practice with a specialist in samba.
The day started with an opportunity for EYFS and Year 1 to explore the samba instruments and practise playing different rhythms. It was lots of fun, if very loud!
Teal Class (year 2 and 3) had a go next, and were able to play the range of samba instruments, and try playing together with different poly-rhythms.
In the afternoon Cobalt and Navy classes were able to share all their learning from their music unit and put together different polyrhythms, call and responses and create some amazing music.
The children had an amazing day, and the practitioner said he was very impressed with the level of musicality from all of the children.
Well done everyone!