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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

RLT Language Day

Four children from year 5/6 went to join others from across the Rutland Learning Trust on Tuesday in developing their language skills. 


The children had a fantastic day exploring lots of different languages and looking at connections between them.


Activities during the day included:


  • Introducing themselves in French, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish and Swahili!
  • Decoding French sentences to find out facts about each other, by playing “Find someone who…”
  • Exploring numbers in 8 different languages and trying to match up all the different ways of saying a given number, categorising them into languages that stem from Latin, those that stem from Saxon and those that are totally different (Greek and Mandarin!)
  • Meeting Minimus the Latin Mouse and finding out about the Roman Invasion of Britain and Vindolanda.
  • Singing a traditional Zulu song. 
  • Learning about writing in Roman Britain and making their own “wax tablets” (from plasticine) to write on with styluses.
  • Cracking some codes using the Greek alphabet (and writing our answers or our names on our tablets!)
  • Learning an Italian song about animals, and using bilingual dictionaries to find the meaning of the different movements that the animals made.


The children each left with a pack of all the activities they had done, as well as some extras to try at home if they wish. 


A huge thank you to Mrs Honorez for organising the day.

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