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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

RLT Art Competition

At the beginning of term we were challenged as a school to ask all the children to create pieces of artwork entitled 'Our community is....' We were asked to consider different cultures and artists, reflect on our school values and British values and the cultures around us. We were then tasked to produce pieces of art to reflect what our community means to us. 


Each class took this in a different direction. Aqua Class focussed on hands, and the idea that our community helps each other; Teal Class focussed on our school ethos - 'we are kind, we are honest, we forgive'; and Cobalt and Navy classes discussed ideas around British values and how our society should be inclusive. 


All of the pictures will be displayed in school, but a few are attached that have been shared back to the team at RLT.

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