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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School


On Friday 9th November, Cobalt class went down to the Exton War Memorial to join with the local community in an Act of Remembrance, 100 years after the end of World War 1. The children have been writing poems in school linked to the theme of Remembrance and some of these were shared and left at the War Memorial, alongside a wreath from the school. Below are the three that were read at the War Memorial.


In November, We Remember

One bullet from a young Serbian’s gun
Triggered the spark for World War One.

How did one shot prove so lethal

As to kill 17 million people?
How could this war spill so much blood?


It all began in August 1914

As the trenches were dug in France
And the war took its toll.

On the ground, in the air and at sea.


My ancestors fought during the war
One of them was a famous pilot

But that doesn’t mean I can’t remember

Those other innocent souls who gave their lives
For King and country.


100 years hence we remember

Remember, remember every November.




In November, We Remember

In November, we remember
All of those who sacrificed their lives for us.

In fields poppies grow,

Between the crosses row on row,
We remember the dead and alive,

Here we lie.


From falling hands

We shall not sleep,

In the deep,
Let sunset glow,

Short days ago.


Inch by inch,
Row on row,

Never forget,

Always remember,

Every November.




Thank you for everything

Give thanks to everyone who saved,
Making freedom not a dream, but a reality today,

Help us to save the ones who save us,
Filling our lives with kindness and love.

Let the poppy grow as faith grows in us,

As it is not only a symbol, but shows

Everybody the world has lost,
Give faith to those who have faith in us,

The people who sacrifice their lives.

The haunted minds shall never be forgotten,

For they are the people who made freedom,

As their lives were not just lost,
They sacrificed mind, heart and soul.




In a term when we are particularly focussing on Respect, it was lovely to receive emails and messages from some of those who attended who commended the children on their behaviour and the respect that they showed. 



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