Red Nose Day
Today was a day of fun and laughter! The children came to school in their pyjamas, and staff came dressed in school uniform in return for a small donation for Comic Relief.
The day began with an assembly which reminded the children about some of the work that Comic Relief does in the UK and around the world.
During the morning each class came and created their own 'copper trail' - there was a prize for the winning class. Back in the classrooms, jokes were exchanged and a winning joke chosen from each class to share in the afternoon's sharing assembly.
After lunch Mrs Jagger had organised a treasure hunt around the school. Older children were paired with the younger children and had to locate 20 different pictures around the school site. There was some great teamwork, and it was lovely to see our older children really caring for the younger ones and helping them.
In assembly at the end of the day jokes were shared, the winners of the treasure hunt were drawn from the post box, and class 3 were declared the winners of the coin trail.
Pre copper-counting a total of £51.96 was raised. This evening the total copper collection was counted and totalled at £52.04, leading to a grand total of £104. Mrs Davis had promised in assembly to make up the total to the next ten, so our school donation will be £110.
A huge thank you to all who donated, and especially to Mrs Jagger and Miss Bevins for organising the activities.