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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Red Nose Day 2015

The school was a riot of red on Friday 13th March for Red Nose Day.


The school council organised a variety of activities to raise money for Comic Relief. The children all came in non-uniform and many of them had made their faces 'funny for money'. During the day the children took the opportunity to guess the number of sweets in the jar. The results were announced in assembly, and Ellie was very pleased to win the jar of sweets with the closest guess to the actual number (132). Then came our 'funniest joke' competition. All the contributions were funny, and Mr Marks and Mrs Davis may 'magpie' a few ideas for the next pantomime. After a lot of discussion by our expert panel (thank you Olly, Sky and Mr Marks), Katie was declared the winner. She not only told her joke, but dressed to match the punch line!


Mrs KK is still counting our total, which will be added here as soon as possible.

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