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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Police Visit to Year 5/6

We were very pleased to welcome Steve, our local PCSO, into school to talk to the year 5/6 children. Steve came to enable the children to get to know what his job entails in Rutland, and to allow the children to understand more about policing in general.


There were lots of interesting questions about crime, as well as discovering that police spend most time in Rutland helping people. We are lucky to live in a county with a fairly low crime rate, so more time is spent helping at accidents and working in the community.


We also got to know a bit more about Steve, who used to be a farmer before becoming a PCSO. His favourite part of the job is being able to help people.


As our year 5/6 children look towards becoming more independent, especially as they travel to and from secondary school in the near future, it was good to get to know Steve better and know that he and his colleagues will always be there to help if we are afraid or need assistance.

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