Pantomime Trip
On Thursday the whole school set off to Nottingham to the Theatre Royal to see Aladdin.
It was a magical performance, with a huge animatronic snake and flying carpets to amaze us! We enjoyed all the jokes and songs. Favourite moments for the children included not only the snake and flying carpets, but also when Widow Twanky's leg fell off by accident and all the cast got the giggles!
Ice creams were devoured at the interval, before we settled down to find out if Aladdin won the day. All was well in the end, although there were some scary moments along the way.
Two of our children even got to go up on the stage and meet Widow Twanky (Christopher Biggins). Harvey played a big bass drum and Skye played a triangle and we all sang along. I think we gave the biggest cheer when our school was mentioned too!
After our own pantomime and nativity performances before Christmas, it is great to be able to take the children to see what can be achieved in a professional production, from the special effects, to musical accompaniment from a band. However, We are sure that they must have tiptoed into the back of Exton & Greetham School Hall to steal a couple of our jokes, as we spotted some of the same ones!