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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Osprey Assembly

This morning we were visited three experts from Rutland Water who came to talk to us about the ospreys who live there for half of the year.


The session started with an assembly for the whole school where we learnt all about the size of an osprey and how to recognise one. We also learnt about how they hunt and catch fish. We then looked at a year in the life of an osprey, looking at where they live and how they travel from one place to another. We found out when chicks are hatched and how quickly the chicks grow and learn to fly. Our visitors also shared how each osprey that visits Rutland Water is tagged and numbered, and how some of the ospreys also carry trackers so that they can find out where in the world they are.


After the assembly, cobalt class took part in a workshop to learn more about ospreys, including the different fish they like to eat.


Did you know that you can be an osprey ambassador? More details are available from Rutland Water!

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