Look What's Hatching!
We received 11 eggs and an incubator yesterday from Living Eggs, and less than 24 hours later have already been rewarded with one hatched chick! Class 1 were lucky enough to be there to watch the chick break his way out. There was much debate as to whether it was a boy or a girl - we think a boy now that he has begun to dry out. Suggested names were Awesome Tigger and Lola!
Wednesday update.... And then there were four! Chick number 4 popped out just before 5pm. After School Club were able to see the chick break out into fresh air. With more small holes appearing, I wonder how many chicks there will be in the morning?
Thursday morning..... 9 chicks have safely hatched! They just need to become a little stronger, and then next week we should be able to have a chance to hold a chick! More pictures below!
Friday's grand total was 10 chicks - 3 girls and 7 boys we think! Mrs Almond took the chicks home for the weekend to make sure that they were properly fed and watered.
This week the chicks have been visiting classrooms and the children have had a chance to hold them. We have been encouraging gentle hands and no squeezing!
And finally.... three of the chicks have found a new home with a school family - we are sure they will be well looked after. The remainder have returned to Living Eggs. We hope to have eggs again next year!