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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Lincoln Castle Trip

We all had a fantastic time on Monday at Lincoln Castle. The trip concluded a year of talking about castles in Class 1, and allowed us all to learn a little more about local history.


The day consisted of a rotation of 3 workshops. We all had the opportunity to design a shield and attend a banquet. Some children even had a go at being the court jester! The second activity was a historical walk around the walls of the castle. The children enjoyed climbing up to the walls and then climbing back down to visit the dungeons. Lincoln Castle is a Mott and Bailey castle, and is one of only two in the country to have two Motts. The final workshop allowed the children to look at the historical development of armour and learn a few techniques with bows and arrows and swords.


Thank you to Mrs Fowler for her suggestion of a location for this trip, and to Mrs Almond for her great organisational powers!

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