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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Leavers' Assembly

There were tears and laughter in the hall on Thursday afternoon as we gathered for our leavers' assembly. 


The children started with their leavers' play, based on their memories. This year, this took the form of an imagined reunion in 20 years time. Mrs Almond was most surprised that the children think she may still be here in 2039 welcoming people in! There was also an amazing dance to 'Don't stop me now' with gymnastics and flips, as well as some great dance moves. 


Mrs Davis shared some of her memories of each of the year 6 children and they were presented with a class photo each and a gift made for each child by Miss Bevins. Anthony and Cathy came from the church to present each child with their own Bible. 


As always, the assembly was full of opportunities to sing and the children raised the roof with a rousing chorus of Lord of the Dance at the end. 


We wish all of our year 6 children well as they move on to their respective secondary schools. You have all truly taken every opportunity to 'explore and grow' whilst you have been with us - now take your wings and fly, who knows what you can achieve?

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