What an exciting end to a topic! KS2 spent the first week of term putting the finishing touches to their topic on Brazil.
Celebrations came to a head on Tuesday with a chance to be part of a home-grown Samba band, as well as craft activities and some cookery. Mrs Davis led a Samba session using the Rutland Music Hub Samba kit. We learnt about putting different rhythms together to create polyrhythms, about ostinato rhythms, and how Samba bands are led using signals from a whistle (or Apito). The hardest part was keeping a steady pulse: once we had mastered this we found it much easier!
In the afternoon Mrs Lowe helped the children cook some tradition Brazilian coffee biscuits.
By the end of the week Mr Marks had helped the children put the finishing touches to their models of carnival floats, which enabled the children to develop both their art and DT skills.
It was a great way to end a topic and a lot of fun was had by all.