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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Harvest Festival

It was lovely to have so many parents and grandparents join us in the school hall for our Harvest Festival Celebration on Friday afternoon. As well as fabulous singing (as always) it was great to have all the children standing up and adding their own work via their class contributions.


Class 1 showed off their singing skills in our songs about farms and harvest. Sung to well-known tunes, with some enthusiastic actions, our youngest children were all keen to show the rest of the school and our visitors what we had been learning. 


Class 2 livened up proceedings with their 'Harvest Rap' and some funky moves!


Class 3 provided the more thoughtful part of our celebration with some prayers based on words found within the word HARVEST such as 'share' and 'have'. They also explained the work of the Foodbank, both in Rutland and further afield, in supporting those who are less fortunate than ourselves. 


The Harvest Festival finished with the Harvest Rock and Roll - and some even went out still singing!


Thank you to all those that were able to attend, and to all those who have contributed towards the Rutland Foodbank. 

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