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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

French Day

What a fantastic day we had on our French Day!


Mrs Honorez had arranged a day of different activities for us all to learn a little more about France. After a French assembly, we split into mixed-aged groups to take part in various activities in rotation. During the morning there was the opportunity to visit a French Cafe and try some French food; an activity to explore the geography of France and find all the places that are being used for the Women's Football games; a DT activity trying to recreate different French landmarks, such as the Eiffel Tower; and the children also learnt how to play boules. 


The afternoon was then spent studying some French artist in classes. Aqua class looked at the work of Matisse, Teal class created artwork inspired by Monet, and Cobalt class created animal pictures based on the words of Henri Rousseau. 


A huge thank you to Mrs Honorez for organising the activities - a fantastic day was had by all!

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