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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Fire and Rescue Assemblies

We welcomed a fire officer today from Leicestershire and Rutland Fire Service who came to talk to the children about Fire Safety.


He started the morning by presenting an assembly to our KS1 children. Here he talked about how to keep ourselves safe and about the important job smoke detectors do.


After playtime, he spent time with KS2 talking about how quickly fire spreads, and how important it is that they have escape routes planned, as well as having working smoke detectors in the house.


Hopefully the children have all been nagging their parents to check the batteries in the smoke detectors at home. Having watched a film with KS2 that showed just how quickly a small spark can become a full fire, I checked my own smoke detectors when I got home. They may be annoying when set off by cooking; but they really are life savers.

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