Easter Celebrations
Wednesday 23rd March saw our Easter Celebrations.
We started with a visit to Greetham Church, where KS2 told the story of Holy Week, from Palm Sunday until Easter Day. This was interspersed with songs from the entire school which helped tell the story. The children presented confidently and clearly and, as ever, the singing was exemplary!
At the end of the service, Rev. Marcus talked to us about the meaning of Easter and the children were all given Easter wrist bands. There was then a hearty singing of 'Lord of the Dance' before we joined in refreshments kindly provided by the church.
Back at school, there was time to decorate our hard boiled eggs before lunch in time for the egg rolling in the afternoon. The nursery children joined us for our, now traditional, egg rolling. There was a lot of fun, and for the second year running all the eggs were hard boiled! We then went out into the playground for our egg and spoon races, followed by our Easter egg Hunt. A lot of fun (and chocolate) was had by all.