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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Class 3 work to be displayed in London Museum!

Before Christmas, Class 3 were invited to take part in a project with the MRC (Medical Research Council) which could result in our work being on display in London. 

Brona McVittie, who worked with Exton four years ago on the Professor Corkbot animation project, returned to Exton to talk to class 3 about the history of medical research, and medical discoveries using a cartoon book as a basis.

We were then invited to think about how we would like to see medical research develop over the next 100 years and find a creative way of presenting it.

Weeks later, after some thought, a mobile was created entitled 'Cure for All' containing the children's ideas for how to create a healthy, disease free world in the future. From miracle soap to robots, the creative ideas were amazing! 

After sending off a picture of the mobile, plus copies of the children's 'write-ups' to explain how each invention on the mobile would work, all went quiet!

However, we have recently received an email asking that Class 3's work be included in the exhibition this Summer! Further details of when and where to follow.

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