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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Class 2 and 3 Enrichment

Classes 2 and 3 began their enrichment choices for this term on Friday. This term there are three activities on offer - Team Building, Board Games and Mindfulness colouring.


There was a hum of activity in all three areas. In class 2 for team building with Miss Barker there was lots of noise and excitement at the different games. The children had to work together to solve problems and find solutions. In class 3 with Miss Bevins it was a little quieter, with pairs and small groups sharing different board games and learning different tactics. In the hall it was very quiet! The children (and Mrs Davis!) were all quietly colouring whilst the Brandenburg concertos were played quietly on the sound system. The only sound was the odd comment of admiration as children complimented each other on their choice of colours and the patterns they were producing. There was a small whisper to Mrs Davis from a year 3: 'this is the best enrichment so far!'


We are always open to ideas for other activities we could try, and to any offers of help and expertise in taking a group. Speak to the office if you are interested.


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