Christmas Plays
Yet again, our two Christmas plays were well received by packed audiences. We even had people at the dress rehearsal in order to try and let as many people see our plays as possible!
Class 1, through 'The Donkey Seller', told the traditional nativity story from the point of view of the donkeys of the time. Every child, from the youngest reception child to the oldest year 2, had lines to say. The singing was hearty and clear, and the acting was superb. I don't think anyone will forget the donkeys 'No, no, no!' when a game of pin the tail on the donkey was suggested!
Key Stage 2 then produced their annual pantomime, this year following the story of Dickens 'A Christmas Carol', penned by Mr Marks and Mrs Davis. Again, every child had lines to learn and say, and these were delivered clearly and articulately with lots of expression. We have many a budding actor in Key Stage 2 at the moment! A special mention should go to our ex-Headteacher, Mrs Whitehead, for making a brief cameo appearance as the ghost of Christmas past, before being removed by the real ghost of Christmas past! The singing was magnificent. It is hard to believe the quality of the sound and diction that the children give, despite there being less than 20 of them. This year there were many keen soloists; and 5 children had a turn in the limelight. Mrs Davis will soon be out of a singing job!
After seeing such fantastic performances from all taking part, the Headteacher's second highlight was the many comments afterwards congratulating the children and staff on such outstanding performances. We spend a lot of time in school talking about 'adding value' to the children's education. It is opportunities like this, where every child gets a moment to shine, that really add value to the learning experiences of our children.