Christmas Performances
Once again, the school hall was filled with the sound of music, laughter and fantastic acting for out annual Nativity and Pantomime performances. With excellent audiences for both performances, the children were proud to show off what they had achieved.
The nativity - this year entitled 'A Midwife Crisis' - was beautifully performed, with all of the children taking a role. The midwife was very bossy, and it was quite clear that 'no-one ever listens to a donkey!' Poor Steve the donkey! He knew just where to look for the baby, but the Midwife was not listening. Fortunately, all was well in the end. With fantastic solo singing from our Star to the exuberant dancing of the sheep, the performance was memorable for all the right reasons! Well done to all of Aqua and Cobalt classes, and to their teachers and TAs for all their hard work behind the scenes.
'Snow White and the many, many, many dwarves' followed, and the audience was soon joining in with the traditional 'oh yes it is' and booing and hissing the wicked stepmother. There were some great character performances from the cast, engaging the audience from the beginning. There was enthusiastic dancing to songs, and '5,6,7,8' will live long in many people's memories! Again, the staff behind the scenes worked hard to enable the children to show off their talents.
Congratulations to both casts for their confident performances. Perhaps we saw a glimpse of some future Oscar or BAFTA winners gracing our stage.....