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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School


We have again played host to some eggs in the hope of hatching chicks.


By Thursday morning we had successfully hatched 10/11 eggs. One was a little weaker than the others, but with some gentle mothering from Mrs Almond and Mrs Heywood, he was soon in with the other chicks and asserting himself!


The children all enjoyed the opportunity to watch the miraculous way in which the tiny chicks peck their way free of their egg. It is hard to imagine that the fluffy chicks fitted into a small egg just 24 hours previously.


After the weekend we were able to handle the chicks and get to know them a little better.


Some have gone to live with Hannah and Katie's grandma, some went to Polly and Georgie's farm, and some went to one of the nursery parents. We are sure they will all be happy in their new homes.

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