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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Burghley House Trip

The children had a fantastic time looking round the house itself and learning about its history. Many thanks to the staff of the house who made us so welcome and taught us so much.

We then settled down under the trees for our lunch. After a quick photograph in front of the house, Mr Marks took the children to investigate the 'ha-ha'.

The sculpture garden was a great adventure and everyone enjoyed exploring the different sculptures amongst the trees and sketching them in our sketch books.

The final excitement of the day was a visit to the 'Garden of Surprises' where the children got very wet! There was much fun to be had running in and out of all the fountains and water features and finding out what each different fountain did. After a few running races to try and dry out and Mrs Davis wringing out a few t-shirts, it was back to the coach to sit on towels for the journey home! Fortunately our very nice bus driver didn't seem to mind our wet clothes!

What a wonderful trip! A huge thank you to Mrs Fowler for leading the trip and for all the other staff and adults who went to help.


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