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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

A Lakeside Adventure!

Class 3 have been learning in the Lake District this week!


As part of their literacy, Class 3 have been looking at the writing of Beatrix Potter and using this as inspiration for their own writing. To help with this, Miss Bevins spent the weekend transforming the classroom into the Lake District, with its own farm house, fields, trees and water so that the children could walk their characters through their stories.


On Monday the children arrived to find themselves with no tables, but plenty of inspiration for their learning and writing. By the end of the week, some tables had returned, although some children preferred to continue working in the field/ farmyard where they had based their story.


Class 1 are looking forward to receiving their stories next week, and I know Miss Bevins is very pleased with the quality of writing this week has produced.

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