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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School


  • Sportsmark Award

    Wed 09 Aug 2017 M Davis

    I am very pleased to let parents know that we have again been awarded the Silver Sportsmark Award - no mean feat for a small school! 


    The award of the Silver Sportsmark recognises the commitment our children and staff put into their sports, and the levels of participation in sporting events in and out of school. 84% of our children took part in sports activities outside school this year, either through RSSP competitions and events or through the RLT athletics event in June. Amongst other things children have participated in swimming, cross country, tag rugby, tri-golf, multi-skills festivals, basketball, rounders, Spotlight Dance and athletics to name just a few events, as well as throwing themselves into sporting activities at school.


    A huge thank you to Mrs Ranson for putting together the application for the award and for all of her hard work behind the scenes. Thank you also to the office staff for their organisation of coaches, permission letters and many other behind the scene tasks necessary to make these activities happen. 


    There are lots of exciting sporting activities planned for next year, and with out new playground markings to encourage more physical activities at playtime there will be lots of opportunities for all to take part.

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