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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School


  • Christingle Service

    Sun 29 Nov 2015 M Davis
    On Sunday we formed a joint choir for the Christingle Service at Greetham Church. Working together with children from St Nicholas Primary School was a new venture, and we very much enjoyed joining forces to create a choir to sing a carol for the Christingle. We all learnt about the meaning of the different parts of the Christingle before singing 'In the Bleak Midwinter' together. There were a total of 22 children from the two schools, and they made a beautiful sound singing together. We hope this will be the beginning of some future joint ventures. Thank you to all the parents and children who gave up their Sunday afternoon to come and sing and support.
  • Year 5/6 Basketball

    Thu 26 Nov 2015 M Davis

    Our intrepid Year 5 and 6 children set off full of enthusiasm for the County Basketball competition. With six children in year 5/6, and needing 5 on a team, it was a busy competition for all the children, with little time to rest! Mrs Ranson and Mrs Wingrove were very proud of all the children, who focussed well and developed skills throughout the competition. Although they did not win any games, they pulled together as a team and showed excellent sportsmanship, improving on last year's goal total by one!


    A huge thank you to Mrs Ranson and Mrs Wingrove for taking the team, and congratulations to all the children from taking part.

  • Friday Afternoons Concert

    Sun 22 Nov 2015 M Davis

    On Friday 20th November 2015, KS2 went to Oakham School Chapel to take part in a 'Friday Afternoons Concert' to celebrate the work of the British composer, Benjamin Britten. They joined together with children from other schools to sing songs composed as part of a song cycle by American composer Nico Muhley.


    We enjoyed learning the Benjamin Britten folksong arrangement of 'Down By the Salley Gardens' which we performed alongside children from other schools. We also performed a tricky piece called 'Rain', in which the primary school children had to keep an ostinato going while the Secondary School children from Casterton College sang a melody over the top. Perhaps our proudest moment was when we sang our own school contribution, a piece called 'Birds'. It was lovely to have the opportunity to sing in a larger building and join our voices with other children in the county.


    Concerts were going on simultaneously across the UK and in other parts of the world, where everyone was singing the same songs. These can be seen (and hopefully clips from ours too) on


    A huge thank you to the Rutland Music Hub for organising the event.


  • Newsletter 6 2015-16

    Thu 19 Nov 2015
  • Children In Need 2015

    Fri 13 Nov 2015 M Davis

    This year our Children's Council were put in charge of Children In Need. They decided that they wanted everyone to come dressed as their favourite book character in return for a £1 donation. The children all looked marvellous, from the smallest pirate, through a number of Elsa's and some Harry Potter characters, to a rather frightening character from Skullduggery in year 6!


    The children also bought in their coppers to make a Penny Pudsey. The nursery joined us to help fill our Pudsey shape with copper coins. Mrs Almond is looking forward to counting them up!


    A huge thank you should go to Isobel for bringing in some prizes for the raffle, which raised £20. I am sure the winners have all enjoyed their chocolate this weekend!


    Thank you all for your generosity to this worthy charity.

  • Operation Christmas Child

    Fri 13 Nov 2015 M Davis

    Yet again, our children, their families and our staff have sent a large number of shoeboxes as presents as part of Operation Christmas Child, run by Samaritan's Purse.


    In 2014, the total collected was 11; so the children were challenged this year to help create at least 12. They did not let us down, and this year managed a huge 19, which for a small school is tremendous.


    These boxes will join together with others collected in the Cottesmore Benefice and be sent to the charity. They will then wing their way to children who are not lucky enough to receive presents at Christmas time. These shoeboxes really put a smile on children's faces. It is such a small thing for each of us, but huge for each child who receives a box.


    Thank you. And well done.

  • Act of Remembrance

    Wed 11 Nov 2015 M Davis

    We joined the local people in Exton Village for their Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial next to the village hall. The KS2 children walked down beautifully, and we were all very proud of how well they stood and listened during both the two minute silence and the reading of the names on the memorial. Three children read poems written in response to hearing a poem written by a Canadian Soldier, whilst another laid a small posy at the memorial from the school.



  • Fire and Rescue Assemblies

    Fri 06 Nov 2015 M Davis

    We welcomed a fire officer today from Leicestershire and Rutland Fire Service who came to talk to the children about Fire Safety.


    He started the morning by presenting an assembly to our KS1 children. Here he talked about how to keep ourselves safe and about the important job smoke detectors do.


    After playtime, he spent time with KS2 talking about how quickly fire spreads, and how important it is that they have escape routes planned, as well as having working smoke detectors in the house.


    Hopefully the children have all been nagging their parents to check the batteries in the smoke detectors at home. Having watched a film with KS2 that showed just how quickly a small spark can become a full fire, I checked my own smoke detectors when I got home. They may be annoying when set off by cooking; but they really are life savers.

  • Newsletter 5

    Mon 02 Nov 2015

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