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Welcome to

Exton & Greetham CE Primary School

Term Dates and School Opening Hours

RLT Term dates 25-26

RLT Term dates 24-25

School Opening Hours


Our school day runs from 9.00am until 3.30pm each day. The total time in school for a typical week amounts to 32.5 hours.


Doors open at 8.50am in the morning, when the children enter the classrooms to take part in morning activities. 


The school bus from Greetham arrives in the morning by 9am, and leaves school around 3.35pm.


Wrap Around Care is available from 7.30am until the beginning of the school day, and after school until 5.30pm. The current charge for this facility is £4.20 an hour, with an additional £2 charge for those requiring 7.30am starts rather than 7.45am.

Contact Details and Useful Links
