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Exton & Greetham CE Primary School


  • RSSP Swimming Gala

    Mon 29 Jan 2018 M Davis

    A huge well done to Olivia and Bethany who represented the school at the Rutland School Sports Partnership Swimming Gala on Monday. Mrs Gould, who accompanied the girls, was very impressed with how well the girls did in their races and their enthusiasm. 


    Both girls swam in two events and were excellent ambassadors for the school. Well done.

  • Class 2 and 3 Enrichment

    Sun 21 Jan 2018 M Davis

    Classes 2 and 3 began their enrichment choices for this term on Friday. This term there are three activities on offer - Team Building, Board Games and Mindfulness colouring.


    There was a hum of activity in all three areas. In class 2 for team building with Miss Barker there was lots of noise and excitement at the different games. The children had to work together to solve problems and find solutions. In class 3 with Miss Bevins it was a little quieter, with pairs and small groups sharing different board games and learning different tactics. In the hall it was very quiet! The children (and Mrs Davis!) were all quietly colouring whilst the Brandenburg concertos were played quietly on the sound system. The only sound was the odd comment of admiration as children complimented each other on their choice of colours and the patterns they were producing. There was a small whisper to Mrs Davis from a year 3: 'this is the best enrichment so far!'


    We are always open to ideas for other activities we could try, and to any offers of help and expertise in taking a group. Speak to the office if you are interested.


  • Exton & Greetham Newsletter

    Thu 18 Jan 2018
  • We all had a fantastic time (Oh yes we did!)

    Thu 11 Jan 2018 M Davis

    We have just returned from our whole school pantomime trip to Nottingham, and a fantastic time was had by all. 


    This year the pantomime was Beauty and the Beast. The children enjoyed interacting with the characters (Oh yes we did!) and laughing at their jokes and antics. There were some amazing special effects, including a moving monster and some 3D pictures. We were glad that it had a happy ending!


    After our school pantomime, we always like to compare our own.... Mrs Davis thinks they must have seen some Exton & Greetham Pantos over the years, as she recognised some of the jokes!


    As ever the children were beautifully behaved and a credit to the school. Thank you to all the staff and children for such a great trip. 

  • Brilliant Beginnings!

    Tue 09 Jan 2018 M Davis

    We have had a fantastic start to 2018 with lots of exciting activities across the school.


    Our 'R' for this term is Resilience. The children are working hard on keeping going and not giving up when things get tricky.


    In Class 1 the topic is Polar Explorers. The children are already finding out about the different animals that live at each pole as well as using their topic to develop their learning skills in the classroom.


    Class 2 had excitement on the first day of term, when they found their classroom had been destroyed over lunchtime. Mrs Almond thought that we had been burgled! To the relief of Mrs Almond, and the surprise of the children, the children found that a dinosaur had been in the classroom and had caused the chaos. What a great start to their dinosaur topic!


    Class 3 started the term focussing on being resilient. Their topic this term is focussed on space and space exploration. They began their term with a literacy challenge which had to be performed flat on their backs, as an astronaut may lie in the space shuttle. The challenge was pinned under the tables and the children had to solve the problem before they could come out from under the tables!

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